
Microsoft To Do Applets

By The IFTTT Team

November 02, 2023

Microsoft To Do Applets
  • With Microsoft To Do recently added to the IFTTT platform, you can now automate and integrate your to do list in new, powerful ways. Microsoft To Do can be connected to over 700 services, devices, and apps.

    Quickly add an item

    Have you ever thought of something you need to do for work in the middle of the night, but can’t be convinced to log in to your professional account to remind yourself. Use the IFTTT Note widget or option to email yourself as a quick way to add an item to your to do list. When you get to work in the morning you will be thrilled to see that item at the top of your list.

    You can also use your voice assistant to create an event.

    • Never miss a to do item

      When working across different platforms, it is possible for things to slip out of sight and not get done in time. Sync your iOS Reminders, Evernote, Google Tasks, and Todoist lists.

      • Calendar events

        Create a task when you add a new event to your calendar. This is a great way to keep your calendars and priorities organized throughout the week.

        • Recurring tasks

          Many tasks recur over weeks or months and can be a hassle to recreate each time. Make it happen automatically.

          • Tell your team

            Let your team know when you are done working on a task. This can be a great way to keep them apprised of your progress on a project or let someone else know when you would like some work reviewed.

            • Celebrate wins

              Checking an item off your to do list is satisfying, but you can make it even more fun by turning on a color loop or changing a lightbulb color when you are done working on something.

              • Keep up with Microsoft To Do

                Get emails when Microsoft To Do publishes a new Applet.

                • Explore

                  Want to do even more with IFTTT? Explore the possibilities and create powerful experiences by making your own Applets.
